Whole School Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is:

  • Aspirational. Across the school, a growth mindset attitude is promoted to actively build resilient pupils; filled with a curiosity to want to know more. This is stimulated through high quality adaptive teaching, depth of sequenced investigation, knowledge and skills application and topical content that builds a learning-on-learning culture. To serve each learner our curriculum provides appropriate stretch and challenge for all its pupils and aspires to develop the skills necessary for our pupils to; successfully play their part in society, live fulfilled lives, unlock their potential and be well-equipped for life as Global Citizens in Modern Britain.


  • Broad and Balanced. Our curriculum respects and celebrates subject individuality. It consists of deliberately selected and weighted, complimentary material that adds depth and vibrancy to its content and skills explored. It is sequenced to be coherent, considerate of cognitive load, develop communication and language skills, accelerate pupil progress and nurture pupils’ love of learning. Our curriculum balances attainment levels with essential learning experiences to achieve a cohesive full-experience that targets the success of every pupil.


  • Creative. Our curriculum offers pupils a rich learning experience that promotes their all-round development regardless of background or need. Our creative and informed approach to teaching and learning takes our pupils on an educational journey that reaches beyond the classroom and involves a multitude of interesting and varied experiences. Our additional school-based activities, along with external opportunities and in-house enquiry projects, seek to shape adventurous learners and guide enquiring minds in a safe and secure environment, with talented and specialist teachers.


  • Diverse. Our curriculum intentionally explores diversity, promotes equality and celebrates difference. Its inclusive ethos extends beyond the academic and actively promotes the importance of pupils’ wider development through explorations that expand outside the local and South West areas. Our support-based curriculum and tailored school facilities, foster the diverse educational needs of 21st Century children in a well-monitored and regulated environment. Our combined academic, elective, enhancement and intrinsic curriculum encourages self-worth, self-belief, positivity and good health in all of our pupils.